Thursday, February 27, 2014


It's Friday! I've been working on a few different Inspirational Fridays for the month of March  I am so excited to share them with you guys.  I think you guys will really love them.  Could one maybe involve a Giveaway?!!!  We'll have to wait and see....

I love this quote by Lowell Lundstrom.  I'm sure you all have seen it at one time or another.  I've seen it so many times on pinterest and I know I've pinned in more than once.  But until recently I never really took the time to really think about this quote.  In my "About Me" Tab I talked about pushing myself to uncomfortable bounds as one of my New Year's Resolutions Goals.  Creating this blog has allowed me to be in that uncomfortable place and do things I normally wouldn't do.  As I have gotten more of a footing and an idea of the direction I want my blog to go, I've found myself having these dreams and aspirations that do scare me and I find myself flirting with the idea of not wanting to journey down that path, but you know what?  I make myself do it, and it is such an amazing and empowering feeling being able to move forward and conquering those fears or self doubts that stand in your way in order to get you to the next level of your goal or dream.  

This picture is such an ideal representation of dreams.  You have a vision or a dream.  But, it's so hazy sometimes, and almost eerie.  Definitely a path that sometimes you're uncertain you want to go down.  But if you don't take that scary, uncertain, path toward your dream(s), you'll never know what lays behind the haze, and you'll never know the impact your dream(s) could make for yourself and others.

So dear readers, my challenge for you is to think about a goal/dream and start acting on it.  Take the time to reflect on it's importance of achieving it.  Are you afraid of it?  Good!  Now take the leap and go for it!

Have a great weekend!  Big Hugs XXX


  1. I needed this little inspiration pick me up this fine Friday. Thanks! Great to have a new blogging friend.

  2. Yay! I'm glad this was inspirational for you Lyss. :)
