Friday, February 7, 2014

You are Special

I am obsessed with children's books.  Ask my husband Tyler.  I will usually by a new children's book once a week.  I can't help myself!  I think it is so important that children start reading or looking at books at a young age. 
But, out of all the children's books that we own, this book is by far my most favorite book.  On the Night You Were Born by Nancy Tillman.  The first time I saw this book was when Kourtney Kardashian posted it on her instagram page. (Now don't hate... ;))  I have two other books by Nancy that I love as well, so I thought I would look into buying this book.  I am so happy I did.
Even though this is a children's book, I strongly believe that in addition to every child owning their own book, EVERY ADULT should own one as well.  When I first read this book, I got a little teary eyed.  (Crying is very unusual for me, so it was a big deal!) 
In her sweet way, Nancy talks about what effect your birth had on nature, and all the animals.  She talks about how special you are, and how there will only be one of you ever! 
When I read that line, I stopped for a moment and thought, "Oh my gosh, this is so true!  There is only one Jaimey Tripp in the whole wide world!!" This sudden epiphany made me realize how easy it is to get so caught up in my daily life, that I kind of forgot that I am special because there is only and ever will be one of me! 
So my dear readers, do yourself a favor and go out and spend $5-$10 on this wonderful book.  Give it to a new mommy for her child, give it as a gift to your teenage sons and daughters, give it to your friends, husbands, wives, family members.  Remember how different you are and embrace everything there is about you.  Read this book as often as possible and try not to get so caught up in your every day lives that you forget why you are special, and why you are you!  Make your life count, and share who you are and everything about you with those around you!  Show the world how special you are!  Hugs XxX

"For NEVER before in story or rhyme
(not even once upon a time)
has the world ever known a you, my friend,
and it never will, not ever again....
On the Night You Were Born, By: Nancy Tillman


  1. I am going to get it!! I'm sure I'll love it too! Thanks for the tip, xoxoxo

    1. You will not regret it. Such a great investment. Xoxox
