Wednesday, February 5, 2014

The day I pretended I was a paleontologist

**Just a friendly Reminder that my giveaway closes tonight at MIDNIGHT MST!!!  Check out my first giveaway post for official rules.  Winner will be announced tomorrow so watch for your name, keep your fingers crossed, and good luck.  Hugs XxX!!**

I am obsessed with this adorable sweater.  I saw it, grabbed it, and bought it without any thought.  It's one of those pieces where your fashion soul just knows it's the right piece for you and there is absolutely no need to think or mull it over in your head.  You just know the article of clothing was made specially for you.  And a bonus for me?  I scored "Cool Mom Points" with my 3 year old son.  He thinks I'm pretty cool when I wear dinosaur sweaters.

I think sweaters look best when there is another layer underneath them.  This isn't always the case, but I felt like this was one of those times when an extra layer was needed.  So, I added one of my staples to the outfit... my beloved chambray shirt.  Put on my $10 black jeans.  (You know how I feel about bargains) and added my skinny belt, black boots, and jewels.   Applied my fuchsia lipstick and was out the door.

 Next time you feel like something is missing when you are wearing a pull over sweater, try adding a flannel, chambray, or a button up shirt to see how it transforms the outfit.  Tuck it in in the front for a more fitting and polished look!  Hugs XxX


Sweater: Forever21
Chambray Shirt (men's): H&M
Black Jeans: Forever21
Skinny Belt: Target
Jewels: Kohls, and H&M
Boots: old



  1. I think this isy favorite outfit thus far. How much was the sweater?

  2. Thanks Hailey Ham! I think the sweater was $20 at forever21

  3. The outline shade of the dinosaurs really makes this sweater wonderful. I like how you styled it too. However did you stay warm in that snow?


  4. Fun blog Jaimey! Keep it up. Fun to see your sense of style.

  5. Thank you Sharon. It was a really quick "photo shoot" lol and then I spent the rest of the days in doors with family. The nice thing about layering is the added warmth :)

  6. Jaimeys, what is a "chambray shirt"?

    1. Hailey, It's just a lighter woven denim fabric. Chambray shirts can come in a variety of denim colors, some even have cute prints too!
