Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Nail Festivities

Hey you guys!  I thought I would do a little DIY nail post.  St. Patty's Day is coming up and for those of you who don't like to look like a walking green person this might be the post for you.  Sometimes it's fun to do something you wouldn't normally do.  For instance, I am 100% positive I have NEVER worn green nail polish EVER.  But there is a first for everything and honestly, the green kind of worked for me.  Triston's favorite color is green, so I scored "Cool Mom" points there lol.

I just want to clarify that I AM NOT a professional nail person. (Obviously)  But to my kids I am :)  I just wanted to do something different so I hope you find a little inspiration from my nail art and you all are brave enough to try it as well.  Happy Nail Day.  Hugs XxXxXx

First off, find/buy some green and gold nail polish.  I bought some paint
as well because I feel like it is easier to work with, as opposed to actual
 nail polish.  You'll also need a fine tipped paint brush, toothpicks, paper towel,
 paper plate, and top coat (not pictured...sorry) and whatever else
your imaginations think of.

Paint your nails however you want them painted.  Let dry

Squirt a small amount of paint on the plate and let your inner 
Picasso loose (Here's a little advice.  If you're drawing lines, try not to
 let the brush bristles flare, this will make your lines fatter and 
look smudged.   Use the tooth picks for polk-a-dots.  I used both 
paintbrush and toothpick and the dots with the toothpick 
were cleaner and nicer looking.

Here are my finished nails.  What do you think?  Sorry, 
I wanted to get a picture of me actually doing my nails, but alas..
I only have two hands and Tyler wasn't home.
The paint colors are Antique Gold and Lime Green
both from Walmart ($1.97ish)

Sally Hansen Insta Dry "Jade Jump" $4 Walmart

Pure ICE "Studette"  $1.97 Walmart

Pure ICE "Free Spirit" &1.97 Walmart


  1. I'll be over in 10 minutes to have mine done!! Do you take visa?

  2. Haha Hailey Ham for you I'd do it for free!!
