
Friday, April 4, 2014

A trail of glitter

First things first:  Congratulations to Hailey Ham!  You are the lucky
owner of the beautiful Stag pendent necklace from Red Earth Trading Co.
THANK YOU to everyone who entered.  If you didn't win you'll have a chance
to win something in a few weeks! 


Have you ever met a person who is just so amazing?  They just have this "wow factor" and you can't help but be drawn to them?  They just have this glow to them which makes you want to become their best friend?  I try to be that type of person every day.  That is A LOT of pressure to put on myself I know.  Don't get me wrong, some days I'm worse than the meanest, most evil person you can think of... I am only human so that is expected to happen.  And on those days where I constantly yell at my kids, dog, and hubs, and slam doors, and act younger than my children I think to myself, "Would I seriously want to be my friend at this moment?"  Uh Nooo!  I feel awful when I'm in those moods, and depressed, and I've found that the people around me feel my energy and it brings them down as well.  So I try my hardest to get out of those moods fast.  Here's what I do to lift my mood and be that glittery, glowing girl again.
  1. Recognize the mood I'm in
  2. Think about why I'm in that mood... Can I change the situation?  Or is it out of my control?  
  3. Think of all the things I have been blessed with
  4. Go outside for some fresh air and now that it's warming up, walk barefoot in the grass.
  5. Put a sincere smile on my face... I'm always surprised that this makes me feel better
  6. YOGA- not P90X yoga, but a calm restorative yoga
  7. Giving and exchanging hugs with my Hubs and my kids
  8. Dancing crazy with my kids
  9. Jumping up and down for joy.  Please do this one.  I always look so silly doing this which then makes me laugh and helps change my mood.
  10. Taking time for myself, whether it's going for a drive, window shopping, reading a book, a nice warm bubble bath, or putting a movie on for the kids and locking myself in my closet.  (Come on moms, we've all done this at some point) 
  11. I find that I am such a happier person when I am doing acts of service for others
  12. Positive thinking, and finding that silver lining in awful situations
"Keep your thoughts positive because your thoughts become your words.  Keep your words positive because your words become your behavior.  Keep your behavior positive because your behavior becomes your habits.  Keep your habits positive because your habits become your values.  Keep your values positive because your values become your destiny." 
                                               -- Mahatma Ghandi
In order to be that glittery, happy girl you've got to shine from the inside out.  Like I said some days are much easier than others, but if you make a conscience effort to leave that glittery trail everywhere you go then you'll succeed.  I hope you find my mood lifters inspirational and you try some of them.  What are some ways you guys get out of your nasty moods?  What do you do to leave your trail of glitter?
Hope you all have a fantastic weekend!  Lots of hugs and loves Xoxoxo
(Glitter quote from pinterest & Ghandi quote googled)


  1. Yahoo!!!! Thank you!!!! Thanks to red rock trading co. And thank you my littlest ham for supporting and awesome company!!! I'm going to wear it every day all day 24/7!!!!

  2. Yeah Hailey! Congratulations! !!! I LOVE that necklace and WY GUY will live you wearing it!!!! I loved al of the great ideas Jaimey, I agree, self introspection is important and takes a great deal of reflection and practice! I appreciate your helps and I think mastering
    #12 is wonderful as it can with practice keep one from becoming negative in the first place as it changes your whole perspective! Thanks so much Jaimey for your insight!!!! And love your quotes!
